Disconnect from technology and join the Fountain Hills Hiking Challenge, where you will gain physical fitness and mental well-being, explore new places, and connect with family, friends, and yourself through nature.
There are TWO ways to complete the Fountain Hills Hiking Challenge:
- Complete 6 of the hikes OR complete hikes totaling 35 miles.
Register online at FountainHillsAZ.gov/REC
All registered participants will receive a commemorative Fountain Hills Hiking Challenge t-shirt. Complete 6 hikes or 35 miles and share your pictures on social media to be entered to win a $50 gift card and a Fountain Hills Swag. Share your hiking pictures by tagging us on Instagram (@FountainHillsRec) Facebook (@fhparksandrec), or email sthomas@fountainhillsaz.gov.
kickoff event
Kickoff the November Hiking Challenge - November 1st at 8AM - 11AMFountain Park - Kiwanis Ramada
Come out and join us and SCFH to kick-off a new season, begin the Hiking Challenge, catch up with old friends, make new ones, and find out what’s planned for the 2024-2025 season. Talk to Trailblazers, Trailhead Hosts, Stewards and members of the FH Desert Botanical Garden to find out how you can get involved. Registration is not required to join us for Coffee and Cookies.
At 9:00am the Fountain Hills Hiking Challenge begins - join the SCFH Guided Hike for an easy walk around Fountain Lake and hike up the Lake Overlook Trail (2 miles). For those wanting a little extra you can hike back over the Lake Overlook Trail. Bring 1 liter of water, wear shoes with grippy soles, and bring hiking poles if needed. No dogs please! Pre-registration is required. Click here to register.
T-Shirt Pick Up
The Hiking Challenge T-shirts will be available for pick up beginning November 1st at the Fountain Hills Hiking Challenge Kickoff Party. After November 1st, T-shirts can be picked up at Town Hall Monday-Thursday 7:00AM - 6:00PM. Town Hall is located at 16705 E Avenue of the Fountains.
Guided Hikes with the Sonoran Conservancy
New to hiking? Want local experts by your side? Join the Sonoran Conservancy for FREE guided hikes this fall! The November hikes are perfect for conquering the Fountain Hills Hiking Challenge!
Thank you to our partner, Sonoran Conservancy of Fountain Hills for creating the challenges.