“Pasta, Pistols and Passion: A Murder Mystery Dinner Party Fundraiser!” is an adaptation written by Susan Miller-Dee and Ross Collins. Join us for a fun-filled evening of laughs, dinner, and mystery as you join Mama Rosa and her family at their restaurant, ‘La Speranza,’ for the wake of her late husband Pepi, and then help solve his murder! Purchase “La Speranza Bucks” so you can bribe his family for clues! Enjoy a delicious 3-course meal and join the fun as patrons get the chance to bid on silent auction items from the late Pepi’s estate.
“Pasta, Pistols and Passion: A Murder Mystery Dinner Party Fundraiser!” is directed by Ross Collins and produced by Allison Hacker with musical assistance from Seikai Ishizuka.
Cast members include: Lauren Miller, Lilli Danseglio, Isabelle Bandt, Henry Male, Mike Romano, Adam Gobeski, Kelsey Ruggaard, Anthony Alcorn, Peyton Jordan, Tom Mangum and Adam Oberg.
“Pasta, Pistols and Passion: A Murder Mystery Dinner Party Fundraiser!” will play Saturday, January 13th and Sunday, January 14th, 2024.Doors will open at 5:30pm for a 6pm show start. Batchelor’s Pad BBQ Restaurant located at: 13407 N. La Montana Drive, Fountain Hills.
*Rated PG-13.407 N La Montana Dr. Fountain Hills AZ 85268
Call 480-837-9661 x3 by Thursday, January 11th!